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Close Up Magic

  • Free Will by Deddy Corbuzier
    $14.95 Free Will by Deddy Corbuzier
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    We all want to believe that we are in control. We want to believe that our decisions are our own. But maybe those are just beliefs.... You begin by removing a small piece of paper from a cloth bag and handing the bag to a...

  • Giant Color Change Ball to Square
    $8.95 Giant Color Change Ball to Square
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    The magician displays a red ball and places it into his left hand. Suddenly, the ball disappears and is found to have jumped into the performers right pants pocket. He places the colored ball on top of his left closed fist...

  • Growing Ball by Gosh
    $7.95 Growing Ball by Gosh
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    The magician displays a small (2-inch) sponge ball. He places the ball onto his closed fist and pushes it down inside. When he opens his hand the ball has somehow grown into a large (4-inch) ball! Only one ball is used Very...

  • Growing Ball Outdone by Gosh
    $9.95 Growing Ball Outdone by Gosh
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    The performer displays a small (1.5 inch) red ball and a black ball. He pushes the balls into his closed fist and upon opening his hand, the red ball has transformed into a large (4 inch) ball and the black ball has changed...

  • Guaranteed by Johnny Dodge
    $9.95 Guaranteed by Johnny Dodge
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    "It's about time those lazy cards say a few lines!" - Aaron Smith "This "Guaranteed" prop hides innocently in the deck until it's needed. A brilliant extension of presentation and a versatile concept, this utility is a...

  • Hare Raising Experience by Gosh
    $9.95 Hare Raising Experience by Gosh
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    Multiplying rabbits in a huge size by Gosh.... Large cut-out sponge rabbits. Large rabbits are 1/2" thick and 6" tall....

  • Houdini's Ring Flight - Close Up Magic
    $24.95 Houdini's Ring Flight - Close Up Magic
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    Effect: A finger ring is borrowed from a spectator. The ring is placed in the magician's fist and instantly vanishes. The ring is nowhere to be found!! The magi reaches into his back pocket and brings out his key case. The...

  • iFloat, The Impromptu Floating Cell Phone
    $24.95 iFloat - The Impromptu Floating Cell Phone
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    The anytime, anywhere floating cell phone technique!Introducing the iFloat, Impromptu Floating Cell Phone! Float any cell phone, deck of cards, or object of similar size in your hands without gimmicks or setup! In fact,...

  • Impromptu Magnetic Rocks 100% FREE with orders over $50*
    $15.00 $0.00 Impromptu Magnetic Rocks 100% FREE with orders over $50*
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    Impromptu Magnetic Rocks makes small, non-metallic objects feel magnetic in your spectator's hands! Without gimmicks, switches, glue, tape, or any sleight of hand whatsoever, you can give two rocks, sticks, dice, and even...

  • Incrediball by Gosh
    $9.95 Incrediball by Gosh
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    The magician displays a small (2.5-inch) sponge ball. He places the ball onto his closed fist and pushes it down inside. When he opens his hand the ball has somehow doubled in size, growing into a large (5-inch) ball! ...

  • Jumping Toothpick by Dave Powell
    $24.95 Jumping Toothpick by Dave Powell
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    EffectA small brass rod is shown and seen to have three small holes drilled through it. A toothpick is placed through the center hole and the rod is shown on both sides. A shake of the hand and the toothpick jumps from the...

  • Key Bender
    $11.95 Key Bender
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    A Mentalist Dream Come True Perform shere miracles with this Ultimate Device quickly and easily! Performs special powers for mentalists and imagine their reactions when you borrow their keys and return them bent like a...

  • Linking Rings 4 Inch Set of 8
    $9.95 Linking Rings 4 Inch Set of 8
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    A great set of Clasic Linking Rings! To see a demo of this product, click on one of the links below. Low Resolution High...

  • Little Gray Hare by Ryan Pilling and Gerald Kirchner
    $11.95 Little Gray Hare by Ryan Pilling and Gerald Kirchner
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    Oh Look! I've got a Little Gray Hair!A great multiplying bunnies routine with a twist! Basic Effect: The Magician brings attention to the hair hanging above your face. As you pluck out a single hair, it instantly pops...

  • Magic With Sponge Balls IDV
    $11.95 $9.95 Magic With Sponge Balls IDV
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    Magic With Sponge Balls (Instant Delivery Video) You will learn more than a dozen mini illusions that can be performed with Sponge Balls. These tricks require no complicated sleight of hand. With in minutes of watching...

  • Matchician's Miracle by Romano &  Ed Kozuch
    $27.50 Matchician's Miracle by Romano & Ed Kozuch
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    Effect: A box of mathes is emptied on a table and the box drawer is used to cover their striking tips of the matches. One match is selected and separated from the rest. The drawer is removed thus showing none of the...