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  • Fire in Wallet Gimmick by Dave Powell
    $29.95 Fire in Wallet Gimmick by Dave Powell
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    Fits in almost any regular wallet.  Open your wallet to a wall of flames and blow it out like a match.

  • Houdini's Ring Flight - Close Up Magic
    $24.95 Houdini's Ring Flight - Close Up Magic
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    Effect: A finger ring is borrowed from a spectator. The ring is placed in the magician's fist and instantly vanishes. The ring is nowhere to be found!! The magi reaches into his back pocket and brings out his key case. The...

  • Fire Wallet
    $29.95 Fire Wallet
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    A wallet mysteriously bursts into flames! When reopened, it appears to be a normal wallet. A stunning effect.

  • Nesting Wallets by Modern Magic Trick
    $24.00 $23.95 Nesting Wallets by Modern Magic Trick
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    Borrowed & Marked CoinFound Inside the Third Wallet Inside the Second Wallet Inside the First Wallet! Have a coin borrowed and marked, then placed within the folds of a hanky. The spectator holds the coin through the...