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  • Deal! The Four Aces Project by Nathan Kranzo IDV
    $25.00 $19.95 Deal! The Four Aces Project by Nathan Kranzo IDV
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    Deal! The Four Aces Project by Nathan KranzoMagic is not only what you show the audience. It is how you energize the audience. Imagine walking into a room, dribbling a deck of cards, and ordinary people magically cut to the...

  • Flutter by Bachi Ortiz Instant Delivery Video
    $25.00 $19.95 Flutter by Bachi Ortiz Instant Delivery Video
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    An easy to do card change that's lightning fast and super visual. This is visual, fast and clean! To visually change a playing card into a spectator's chosen card is one of the strongest effects you can do. With Flutter you...

  • School of Hard Knocks DVD by Rodney Reyes Instant Download
    $34.95 $19.95 School of Hard Knocks DVD by Rodney Reyes Instant Download
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    School of HardKnocks starring Rodney Reyes Special introductry price! Underground Magician Rodney Reyes--the Bruce Lee of close up magic--takes you on a step-by-step journey through the world of underground magic. For the...