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Street Magic

  • Cups and Balls by Senor Mardo Instant Download
    $12.00 $8.95 Cups and Balls by Senor Mardo Instant Download
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    One of the best cups and balls magician to ever live, Senor Mardo. He shares his knowledge of one of the most well know magic tricks on the planet! There is a life time of information in this 34 page booklet! Tips...

  • Dracola by Gerald Kirchner Instant Download
    $15.00 $9.95 Dracola by Gerald Kirchner Instant Download
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    Imagine you are out with friends and someone asks if you want a soft drink. Of course you do! You come from a soda-thirsty bloodline of the lesser-known vampire, Count Dracola. A family curse and an amazing power...

  • Magic With Sponge Balls IDV
    $11.95 $9.95 Magic With Sponge Balls IDV
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    Magic With Sponge Balls (Instant Delivery Video) You will learn more than a dozen mini illusions that can be performed with Sponge Balls. These tricks require no complicated sleight of hand. With in minutes of watching...

  • SandScript Digital (Instant Delivery PDF + Video)
    $9.95 SandScript Digital (Instant Delivery PDF + Video)
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    SandScript was originally sold as a kit for over forty dollars with the ingredients kept secret. SandScript Digital reveals how to make the special writing fluid and treated sand. Unlimited performances. Unforgettable magic...