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Add-A-Number-Pad by Basil Horwitz - Trick

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Product Description

An amazing utility prop which enables the performer to force any number. Perfect for forcing a phone number or special date.

This new add-a-number pad is based on the principle of the Basil Horwitz Wallet and locks firmly using rare earth magnets. The instructions supplied include details of four stunning routines that you can perform with the Howitz Add-a-Number pad including a brilliant effect where a members of the audience are asked to write numbers on the pad and when written a fourth spectator is given the wallet and asked to add up all the numbers. The total arrived at, which could be 051206, is written up on a large white pad and shown to the audience who are asked to call out today's date. It just so happens to be the 5th of December 2006 and that is just what the sum total indicates 051206 (of course you modify the total for each performance so that it reflects the date of the actual performance.

Another great routine starts when you hand a member of the audience a sealed paper bag wi

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