There are more than a few things that men and women disagree upon. And while a successful relationship ultimately finds common ground, making light of our differences is a universally funny theme.
One example, the perception of love versus sex between couples in a relationship is at the core of our pop culture's gender role definition. It's something that doesn't need explaining.
As a result of that, BOSS can jump in and create a playful debate, and mind-blowing wonder where no explanation or time-consuming back-story is needed.
What's even more exciting than the BOSS trick however, is that it sets in motion an infinite cosmic echo of sorts. A reverberating discussion that will continue for many years to come, spreading your myth as a performer.
Interested in mixing things up? Instigating a lovers' debate? AND creating utter disbelief? BOSS is a routine that will deliver.
Imagine the next time you're out, you meet a couple...
You ask if they
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