"Your videos Rock! I recommend them all the time to my serious students at Master Class."--Jeff McBride
Professionals and amateurs alike marvel at how smooth and fluid Jay Leslie's moves are. Jay has been performing ball routines in his stand up and stage shows for years. He was the resident magician at Busch Gardens VA. and performed ball manipulation for the paying crowd six shows a day, six days a week.
Review of Jays lecture at the Magic Castle March 18 2001
I enjoyed your lecture, even tho I did not come to see or learn ball manipulation I did come away with an appreciation of your displays of timing, misdirection, and angle-proofing. I did learned quite a few things, my time was not wasted. Joe Fox.
Now you can learn what makes his techniques smooth and seamless. Jay analyzed classic moves from every angle using a video camera and stop action photography. Jay has improved on classic sleights and will teach you new finger positions needed to perform more modern sleights. You'll be able to understand and perform what you see. The explanations are thorough yet simple.
Terry Zembruski who took the famous Chevez course and also worked in a magic shop several years said "This is as good as anything I learned in Chevez". Many of the techniques on this video have never been seen before.
List of contents:
Bare Handed Retention Vanish Bare handed color change Ball roll techniques Scoop - spider vanishes Behind the back Behind the back color change Push through color change Pocket work Retention vanish with silk Left hand retention vanish The grab The drop Pull over vanish Pull over color change A little routine Toss across vanish from pull over Vertical vanish Elevator color change
No matter what your skill level is you will benefit from the techniques on this tape. This video tape will be considered a reference for years to come.