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Black Moon by Docc Hilford - Book

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Product Description

"Yang is the male. It is white and the sun. But Yin is the woman. It is BLACK and the MOON." - Lao Tse 660 B.C.

For the mentalist, PREDICTING THE FUTURE is where reputations are made. And BEING CONTEMPORARY is where the higher fees are found. The current craze in the New Age world is the Chinese Zodiac and the I Ching. Black Moon provides the modern mentalist with a self-contained method for knowing a person's Chinese Zodiac sign and accurately predicting their future! And most importantly, you can PROVE YOU KNOW THE SUBJECT'S FUTURE for the next year!


On a piece of paper, the mentalist writes what he believes to be the subject's Chinese Zodiac sign. He also makes a prediction of what I Ching symbol, or trigram, the subject will randomly choose. The subject states the year of her birth and throws three ancient coins to determine a symbol that foretells her future.

The paper is shown to have all the same information written on it BEFORE ANYTHING WAS CHOSEN! D

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