Effect: Two cards (can be selected from your deck) are placed face up on the table. You now show four misprinted cards that have backs on both sides except for one, which has a back and blank face. Ill put this aside for now as this can be a rather dangerous card...Ill explain later, you say. This leaves you with three cards backs both sides, which you show once more.
You now add the first selection to the packet and suddenly all the cards print with faces of the selection! You repeat this with the second selection to cause all the cards to print to duplicates of this card!
Finally you pick up the dangerous card with the blank face. This, you state, is an eraser! You now prove this to be so because, suddenly, all the cards turn blank!
"I don't like packet tricks much, but there are some exceptions and this is one of them.
An amazing number of changes out of so few cards and because of what happens its easy to justify bringing out the small packet of cards separate from your usual deck.
Best of all the effect is easy to do. I give this one 10 out of 10 - I love it." The Magic Review
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