Hey, iPhone owners!
We've all seen this: While texting with a friend on iMessage, a text box with three little dots dancing inside appears on your screen while the other person is texting back to you. Sometimes those dots seem to dance forever.
Now picture this: You start a text convo with a friend. Then, you send a gif of those little dancing dots. Your friend waits and waits. Your friend wonders, "What's he going to say? What happened?" Anxiously awaiting your next text and dizzy with anticipation, probably a little annoyed to boot, your friend will text again to find out what's up. What's your reply? More dots! Sooner or later, your friend will catch on. They just got "Dotcha'd." And it's hilarious!
This cute little gag is yours FREE. Just add it to your cart and when you check out, you can download the full instructions on how you can Dotcha!
Get it today!