Spawned from legendary magicians, carried through time by exaggeration and understatement, it's history's treasure chest evolved!
Throw hell to the wind and invite the storm full force! As the sky cracks down the center, you stand prepared open mind in hand! Sure, green fields and endless blue sky, but lightning strikes and melts the flesh from our bones. Duffie on Disc, The Best of Peter Duffie ebook on CD-Rom skins each trick to the most core elements!
The Best of Peter Duffie features high-impact visually stunning card magic! An open book environment digitally teaches underground concepts wrapped in easy to understand, entertaining magic.
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Boasts Duffie legends and killer favorites such as Brag-Artist, Succubi, Carter's Fooler, Populace, Mate Trix, Suabian Twist, Ideal Ho