As a performer there is nothing better that turning the whole room against a Heckler. It is crucial to force the Heckler off balance as early as possible, so that he is always one step behind every move, and is constantly playing catch-up. When all the sleights are solid, and the moves hit hard and are thrown out quickly like a precision boxing combination, it is impossible for anyone, let alone some sorry Heckler, to get a piece of you. You are playing a game of catch me if you can, and he cant.
With Brian Tudors originality, improvisational ability, fast passed visual style, and ruthless combinations of nearly impossible sleights, there is no doubt that he is one of the greatest card magicians in the world.
Deck Production: Leading into a routine by first producing the deck is easily the most subtle and powerful intro that is possible. In essence, you have shown a trick before the first trick, and it is virtually guaranteed that the audience will be caught totally off guard.
Card Switch: Using a transposition is extremely effective at accomplishing this type of effect. After the Card Switch has been made, and the Heckler has been asked to identify his card, he will not even recognize that its all a set-up. They never see the trick question coming, and there is no better way to shut up a Heckler than to make him look like a fool.
Wrong Answer: The beauty of the Wrong Answer effect is that the Heckler will be so sure in his mind of where the card is, but in fact his guess wont even be in the ball-park. He has been standing there the whole time with everything in plain view, and yet he is totally lost. The best part is that after the Heckler screws-up his answer again, there is always a noticeable shift in the mood of the room. Where before some people might have been with the heckler, or even mini-hecklers themselves, now the support starts to fall away person by person.
Card Under Drink: The misdirection is so strong in this routine that even though the Hecklers card is actually placed right underneath the drink, just a few feet from his face and in plain view of everyone, he remains completely clueless. Until the card is presented right to him it might just as well have been invisible.
Tudors Card Through Glass: There can be no doubt that this routine is destined to go down as the card trick of the Century. To pull off a penetration is difficult enough under any circumstances, but to pass the card straight through a totally clear drinking glass, with no hope of concealment, and with all eyes fixed intently on the action, is an absolute show-stopper. It is done without any gimmick or setup, and each move has been simplified so there isnt even a trace of wasted motion. With the quick and smooth visual execution, it really has to be seen to be believed.
Terry LaGeroulds Card Through Table: A quick and visual non-gimmick with no set-up. The effect is perfect and seamless, similar to Tudors Card Through Glass but based on original principals developed by Terry LaGerould. This effect never fails to generate a strong crowd reaction of utter disbelief and astonishment.
Deck Thru Table: This effect sucks. Dont watch it, dont learn it, and dont perform it. Ever.
Tudors Kick-Out: There are various reasons why this kick-out kicks ass. Unlike other techniques that advertise the move beforehand by showing the card, the Tudor Kick-Out shoots the card from the center of the deck with no early warning. Besides the exceptional speed and distance that can be achieved with this technique, another very unique aspect is the fact that the card flies forward, not up or to the side.
Card-to-Mouth: This visual Card-to-Mouth effect is the first to be useable in a full stage setting. What separates this move from every previous routine is this: instead of relying on misdirection to fool one single spectator, pure hand mechanics are used to produce the card in such a way that all the angles visible from an audience viewpoint are completely covered.
Card to Shirt Pocket: This production is the by far the easiest on the DVD. So simple and effective, it doesnt even require palming.
Card to Zipper Pocket: I have no idea why I like this production so much
Card to Right Pants Pocket 2x:This is the first in a series of three pants pocket productions. Flawless execution of the classic homing technique is used.
Card to Left Pants Pocket: The second in the series of pants pocket productions, this move is an immediate follow-up left pants pocket production.
Terry LaGeroulds Card to Back Pocket: This is the third in the series of pants pocket productions. Using an impressive combination of misdirection and a behind-the-back palm, this bait/production/switch creates yet another opportunity to slam the Heckler.
Deck Vanish: In the same way that producing a deck before the first trick is the ultimate lead-in, causing the deck to vanish after the last trick is the ultimate finale. The actual vanish is presented by bringing the deck up and blowing on it. It appears as though the deck was blown into thin air.
Card to Matchbox: They never see this one coming. After the deck vanishes and the Heckler thinks that he can slink away, theres one last surprise waiting for him: A matchbox that has been innocently sitting on the table the whole time, right in plain view, is opened to reveal the Hecklers card neatly folded away. It is the exact same card, complete with his own signature, that the Heckler has been chasing all night. The highest level of astonishment that can be achieved as a magician is to shatter the audience perceptions about what is and is not possible. Make them question everything.