Paddle magic has been with us since the beginning of the last century, and it never ceases to be popular. This collection of Joe Porper sticks and paddles is by far one of the most professional magic props available to the working performer.<br><br>
Each piece is made of light weight aluminum and black anodized for long-lasting beauty. Each piece is also machined by Porper himself to exacting specifications.<br><br>
Joe Porper's Toothpick Paddle is unique in that the toothpick can be made to jump from hole to hole, however, when the spectator tries the exact same thing, the holes have magically sealed themselves up completely, and the toothpick can no longer go through any of the holes! Nothing added or taken away! It's simply incredible!<br><br>
This is a must-have for any paddle performer and collector. Expert machining and a clever method make this a real sought-after collectible by Joe Porper. Great detail and thinking and great craftsmanship. Comes complete with its very own genuine leather carry case to keep it protected at all times!