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Levante His Life, No Illusion Hardbound First Printing

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Product Description

This is the seventh installment in our award-winning series of Magical Pro-Files. The format for this biography of the great Australian illusionist Les Levante, is unlike any other book in our acclaimed series.

After discovering Levante's unpublished autobiography, author Kent Blackmore spent five years researching the fascinating life of perhaps the last of the great touring illusionists.

Each chapter is divided into two distinct sections. First comes Levante's personal memories of the many adventures he experienced while touring the world with his ever-expanding, full-evening illusion show. Levante's words are followed by Mr. Blackmore's considerable research wherein he adds greatly to the story, makes corrections and places into context Levante's reminiscences. In describing his heroic struggle to the top of his profession, Levante provides a word's-eye-view of show business during the early part of this century. Travel with Levante and Company as they visit Australia, New Zealand, China, Japan and India. As a headliner in England's music halls, Levante socialized with many of magic's greatest names including Houdini, Dante, Goldin and Selbit, and he does not mince his words when describing these men, some of whom were his friends, some of whom weren't. Levante - His Life, No Illusion contains over a hundred photos illustrating his long career and spectacular magic show.

An appendix describes many of Levante's classic tricks and illusions that have been explained in magic magazines over the years. Tipped into each copy is a rare Levante poster reproduced in full color. Author: Kent Blackmore Description: 239 pages measuring 7 by 10 inches Hardbound with full-color dust jacket. #7 in our series of Magical Pro-Files Printed endsheets Tipped-in, full-color frontispiece Limited to 1,000 hand-numbered copies Published in 1997.

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