Keep this magical credit card in your wallet, and you'll always be ready to perform spur of the moment miracles for random strangers. It's packed with magic and gags, all built into a realistic looking credit card.
The Mark Jenest Magicard comes complete with the very realistic custom-designed credit card plus illustrated instructions
Put these five miracles in your wallet!
1. Ask your friends to imagine a color, an animal, and a country. The Magicard 'influences' them to think of a Gray Elephant in Denmark! 2. Your better half turns your finances upside-down...literally!(Psst! Turn the Magicard up-side down to read the message in the account number). 3. Have them pick a card and shuffle it into the deck. Now reveal their selection in the logo by turning the MagiCard on its side. It's the 8 of diamonds! 4. Ask someone, 'Wouldn't it be amazing if your name suddenly appeared on my credit card?' Look, there it is! 5. A spectator merely thinks of a number--it matches the date on your credit card!