Harry Anderson's signature effect!
Effect: You roll back your sleeve, and start talking about things like "pain thresholds," "surgical procedures," "incisions," "puncture wounds," and other grisly subjects. What might you be up to? Then, from the table, the spectators see a gleaming, 9-inch-long needle, glinting in the stage light. "This," the you say, "is a replica of a traditional voodoo needle, used for the old pin-in-doll routine you've probably heard about. Stick a pin in a doll that looks like your enemy, and supposedly, you'd hurt them at the exact spot the pin was inserted."
Setting the needle back on the table, clean your arm with a towel, and hold it up for all to see. Then, picking up the needle, you plunge it into the bare flesh of your forearm! There is no hiding it - the needle has been thrust through the flesh, plain and simple. The cold, hard steel is run back and forth through the wound, which begins to bleed. The spectators let out a collective "Eeeewwww!" Surprisingly, none of this seems to bother you, continuing to patter about "mind over matter."
Indeed, even though the blood continues to flow down his arm at a steady rate, you are unconcerned by the situation. The needle is slowly and deliberately removed from the arm in full view of the audience. A sterile towel is used to clean off the blood. Amazingly, the arm is unharmed. Perhaps, despite the pseudo-scientific lecture and the amazingly realistic nature of the demonstration, it was just another cunning dodge - a trick of the imagination, perhaps.
NEW IMPROVED NEEDLE...Screw-off bulb for easy clean up!
Complete with:
• Needle w/screw-off bulb
• Harry Anderson's stage Blood
• Glue
• Harry's complete write-up of routine
• DVD video of Harry performing his routine
Special Bonus:
Now you can perform Needle Through Arm whenever, wherever, STAT!
The STAT Needle Thru Arm Gimmick looks like one of those alcohol pads from a First Aid Kit, you know, sealed in a little aluminum pouch. In reality, it's rubber cement!
Setup right in front of your audience! There's no need to treat your skin in advance. Tear open the "alcohol" swab and dab it on during the routine. Folks will just think you're prepping your arm for the needle!
In fact, these look so real you can even use them on a member of the audience. Needle Through THEIR Arm!
• Rip open a miracle STAT!
• High impact magic now impromptu!
• Easy to carry pouches fit in your pocket!
• Perform STAT on yourself or your spectator!
The STAT Needle Through Arm Gimmick includes 12 disposable pouches, ready to go!