In the past, great mind readers such as Charles Foster, Bert Reese, Al Baker and Ted Annemann, have used nothing more than three pieces of paper and three envelopes to make headlines and create awe in their audiences.
Now, YOU will be able to do more than just apparently reading minds: you will seem to actually control them.
EFFECT: An audience member is told to think of three pieces of information that could not possibly be known by anyone present. He writes them on three separate slips of paper, folds them and seals each inn it own envelope.
The envelopes are hidden in different locations on the subject's body, such as in his pocket, his wallet or even the tip of his shoe!
The stunning fact is, at this point you already know what's written on every slip - AND WHERE THE ENVELOPES ARE HIDDEN!
The are no impressions or gimmicks of any kind. There are no one-ahead moves or dummy billets. Just three slips of paper
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