This is a novel production silk with a magical change to add to the impact of the production. You could ofcourse produce this from any production prop, but we will presume you are going to produce this from an empty hat for the description. This would be ideal.
The performer displays an empty hat and says he is going to produce a rabbit. He reaches into the hat and produces a silk. With a comment to the effect that the rabbit must have got pressed flat when he sent his hat for cleaning, he opens out the silk to display the picture of a duck!
Flabbergasted for a moment, he simply brings the two corners of the silk together, and when he opens the silk again the picture of the duck has now changed to a rabbit.
Although the changing picture may be familiar to some in your audience, it is still a very novel peice of art, and the change from duck to rabbit is quite magical.
Comes in either Red or Green