Just as the name implies, this is one fine piece of UTILITY APPARATUS
If you want to display playing cards or E.S.P. cards use Util-A-Prop. If you need a tray Use Util-A-Prop. if you need a black board to write on use Util-A-Prop.
In addition to all these general uses there is a built in very clever SWITCHING DEVICE that enables you to switch anything placed on the easel QUICKLY, SILENTLY & INDETECTABLY.
Think of all the effects possible with this device in your possession. The instructions list the following effects:
2 Predictions Reading Serial Numbers On Borrowed Bills.
A Memory Feat That Requires No Memory.
A Lock And Key Divination (Bank Night Out)
Question And Answer Act
Torn Card Revelation
Newspaper Prediction
E.S.P. effects as well as regular cards.
And Much, Much More. Util-A-Prop can be used with or without an assistant.
The size of the tray is 9" X 17" and only 3/4 of an inch thick. The easel sits on top of the tray as pictured. Util-A-Prop Is large enough to see from the largest stage yet works well in a small room too.
Util-A-Prop is The Answer when you want to Silently switch cards, Envelopes, Keys or any number of other flat objects. It will even fool you. The last time Util-A-Prop was made was 20 years ago. We have improved on the original design both mechanically and aesthetically. Util-A-Prop Is the only switching device we know of that is able to do a dozen different effects.
Included are, four pages of thorough, well written, instructions explaining every possible way Util-A-Prop can be used. And Util-A-Prop can be used for repeat shows too.